Trademark Guidelines


We at Freenz appreciate the trust placed in our products, services, and experiences. To maintain this trust and protect our brand, we've developed these guidelines for using our trademarks, which include logos, names, app and product icons. These guidelines clarify appropriate usage, and Freenz will take necessary action to enforce them for the protection of our brand, our customers, and the public.

How To Use

In general, you may do the following with Freenz's wordmarks and products, or services:

  • Indicate whether your product or service is interoperable or compatible with Freenz products, and specify whether it has undergone the approved certification process.
  • Truthfully and accurately refer to Freenz and its products and services.
  • Use without alteration in text to refer to Freenz and it's products and services.
  • Use in the title of news articles, when truthful and not misleading.
  • Include a trademark footnote to give notice that you are using Freenz's trademark.
How Not To Use

Without a written license or express permission of Freenz, don’t do the following:

  • Don't use Freenz's logo in the name of your business, product, service, app, domain name, social media account, other offering, or business indicator.
  • Don't use Freenz's logos, icons, or designs, in any manner.
  • Don't imply an affiliation, endorsement, sponsorship, or approval with or by Freenz.
  • Do not misuse Freenz's brand in any way. This includes altering, animating, distorting, combining it with other terms, misspelling it, or incorporating it into a tagline or slogan.
  • Don't use Freenz's brand as nouns or verbs.
  • Don't use Freenz's brand in entertainment titles (including book, films, TV, and magazines)
  • Don't use Freenz's brand in the name of a user group, fan group, tech communities, or other organization name, irrespective of whether the group or organization is a non-profit.
  • Don't use Freenz's brand on any tangible goods or packaging, including any promotional, marketing, swag, or other items.
  • Don't file any application or recordation to register terms or logos identical or similar to Freenz's brand as a trademark, service mark, trade name, doing business as, or any other proprietary right.
Legal Notice

Freenz retains all rights to its brand and any associated benefits. Use of Freenz's brand must adhere to these trademark guidelines, existing licensing agreements, or other contracts with Freenz. Freenz may, at any time and for any reason, modify, revoke, or terminate permission to use its brand. Freenz reserves the right to object to any actual or perceived misuse of its brand, globally.